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Tritech Sonars Used On Innovative Clever Buoy

The Tritech Gemini 720is has recently been used in a trial in California for the pioneering Clever Buoy technology. A project of the Australian company Smart Marine Systems, Clever Buoy is a completely non-invasive marine monitoring system designed for detecting the localised activity of sharks and other marine life near public beaches.

Developed in 2014, Clever Buoy uses Tritech sonars to create a 'virtual net' which detects the movement of self-propelled marine life. Once movement has been detected, the data is analysed by Clever Buoy software to determine the size and species of the marine life, and ultimately if it is a threat.

Once the system has detected the movement of a shark, Clever Buoy sends a real-time alert, along with the GPS location of the shark, providing beach authorities with a valuable information set to effectively co-ordinate their resources, activate emergency response plans and potentially save lives.

Following extensive research, it has been shown that the sound waves used by the Tritech Gemini 720is do not disturb marine life as can be seen in this table below:

Clever Buoy's innovative integration of sonar technology offers a feasible alternative to nets and chemicals which makes this ground breaking new technology revolutionary in managing the balance between conserving marine life and protecting human lives.

Tritech is thrilled to be a part of this exciting project and is continuing to support and assist with its ongoing development. 

For more information about Tritech Gemini 720is, click here.


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